Good Morning Everyone!

I have been away from the blog for a long while and need to patch up with the time left!
Here what I am starting with is about Acculturation related to Fibers.

Acculturaiton is a term used for the hybridizing communities especially in the country like United States. check out this link of PARAG KHANNA Director of Global Governance Initiative. He has discussed about the changing boundaries of countries. Their past and future and how Oil economy is driving this.
Geo politics is not of my interest topic. I term that fascinated me is ‘Boudriless world’. The whole process of acculturation is based upon the absorbing the new culture into old. According to me it is a necesssity of todays globaizing age and especially in the countries like United States it is an important part of its politics too. Margo Mozita who is an intellectual professor of Art History of Asian – American argued this before saying why all the immigrant artists while depicting their identity found choosing subjects like problems related to domestic race politics, may be rhetoric victimization, clamoring for mainstream recognition. Despite the fact the art may address the issues of migration, border crossing, cultural difference, historical connections between United States and Asia.

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